Waking Up

What is the very first thing you do in the mornings when you wake? Think about this for a moment. As you open your eyes and start to think about your day, where does your mind go? Do you think about social media or email? Do you check your phone within the first few minutes of waking up?

Morning Cup

Somehow, over the past decade, my morning ritual has changed. I used to wake up and make my way to the kitchen for my cup of coffee. Then after reading the morning paper, I would begin fixing breakfast and planning out my day. That routine changed as technology evolved. My mornings morphed into grabbing my phone and immediately scrolling through Facebook and checking emails. My morning coffee was not as enjoyable anymore because I was focused on comparing myself to my Facebook friends. Their posts were filled with great trips, dates with amazing partners, promotions, family outings, and other great story feeds. My life seemed sad in comparison.

Starting my day off by comparing my life to the amazing posts of others started changing the way I felt. I decided to boycott all social media and email first thing in the morning. I began a practice of meditation for the first five minutes everyday. My alarm is set for a 5-minute snooze and during that time, I intentionally focus on my breath, or gratitude. I sometimes lay in bed for those precious 5 minutes and think of all the things I am thankful for. Other times, I just become completely aware of my breath and the moment. Too many times in the past, I would wake up and start thinking about my day while laying under the warm covers. Then later, while I was at work, I would think about how great it would feel to get home and get under my warm covers and rest. The irony of it all. I seemed to always be thinking about other places and situations instead of simply being present and enjoying the moment.

Changing my morning routine changed my day. I start my day off feeling thankful and positive. I enjoy the warm covers and am grateful for a comfy bed and home that has heat.

Think about your first five minutes, how do you spend them? Enjoy your warm bed, hot shower, strong cup of coffee, or whatever your morning brings. Be intentional about how you start your day…it can impact the type of day you have.

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